Visit our WIKI page for a quick setup guide on our scanner apps.

NPS-LIC and NPS-ACCESS scanner continuously scans a square region shown on your screen -- just line up the phone so the barcode is completely inside the viewfinder rectangle:

NPS Licence scanner require a phone with autofocus, light is optional

When a barcode is read you'll see the results of the scan, when linked to your account the Scanner will upload the data to your account for record keeping.

If you're having trouble scanning, make sure to hold the phone steady. If the camera is unable to focus, try moving the phone further or closer from the barcode.

Barcode decoding 101:

To decode barcodes especially the ones as high density as on the South African drivers' licence card one needs a GOOD quality image of the barcode. Lighting does have an effect as the software needs to detect the edges between the white and black parts comprising the barcode and any smudges, pixelated or reflections in the image will negatively influence detection and decoding of the barcode.

What is the optimal distance between the barcode and the scanner?

This is a difficult question to answer as all devices are different and focus points of the cameras differ. Best bet is to play around and find your device best focus point keeping in mind that the barcode should fit inside your viewfinder to be able to detect barcodes.

Why is the app working (detecting and reading barcodes) on my friend's device and not on mine?

We opted to base our scanner applications on the Google Vision library for Android devices to aid in processing the barcode images captured through our applications. Unfortunately not all devices are able to provide good quality images (see Barcode decoding 101) or are supported to decode the barcode correctly through the Google Vision library - we suggest to always ensure that your Google play services are up-to-date as work to support more devices are done by them regularly and rolled out through the service.

Ok I give up. What devices DOES work with this apps.

Giving a list of devices that DOES NOT work will be easier as their users contact us and the ones that DO WORK use the scanner and will most probably never read this section BUT if you use our apps to scan and decode barcodes and the device is NOT in the below list please contact us informing us that app you use with what device and we will update the list.

Known working devices
Blackberry KEYoneYes--
Doogee X7Yes--
Huawei G7-L01Yes--
Huawei P8YesNoNo
Huawei P9YesNoNo
Huawei P10YesNoNo
Huawei P20YesNoNo
Huawei Y3IIYes--
Hurricane WaveYes--
LG L40Yes--
Mobicell BERRYYes--
Nokia 5Yes--
Samsung Galaxy A3Yes--
Samsung Galaxy J5Yes--
Samsung Galaxy J7Yes--
Samsung Galaxy S4Yes--
Samsung Galaxy S7YesYesYes
Samsung Galaxy S8YesYesYes
Samsung Galaxy Grand NeoYes--
Samsung Galaxy Note 4Yes--
Samsung Galaxy Note 3YesYes-
Sony Xperia E5Yes--
Sony Xperia XZYes--
Sony Xperia Z5Yes--
Vodaphone Smart Platinum 7Yes--
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3YesYesYes
Xiaomi Redmi GOYesYesYes
YesSupported / Working
NoUn-supported / Not Working
-No report

If you come across anything along the way that we haven’t covered, or if you know of a tip you think others would find handy, please let us know and we’ll see about including it in this guide.